Tuesday, November 16, 2010

October happenings

* Mommy's b-day, no plan to celebrate, I just attended a mass to thank the Lord for everything. Thank Him that I'm still healthy and aging gracefully. But my friends surprised me, they came to the house with some foods, an instant pot luck.

* We were finishing my Stephannie's project report. A feasibility study with building plan and lay out and model.Though I can it's good that my 6th brother was here, he help and did the plan and we help in making the model though were not an engr. or architect or else we will pay for the professional to make like Steph classmates. And it's good again that I have a background about acctg. I help her about the financial statement too.

* The next morning we found out that our newly bought (just a month old) motor bike that was parked down stair was gone. It was been car napped.

* After the exam my Mycah came home crying and so depressed when she missed to answer the 5 numbers on her test paper. She said she knows very well the answer but why came the moment she's going to answer the question she was suddenly mentally block. She's so worried that she won't be on top ten anymore.

I just hugged her and told her that it's OK, it usually happen to anybody.

I told her I will buy peanuts frequently now to feed her brain more, he he.

* Barangay election was done for more or less 42,025 Barangays all over the Phil island. Election for Barrio captain and 8 councilors.

-for 4 days I can't get rid of the indelible ink in my nail though I washed it thoroughly. I don't know if it's the same to other country that if we vote they put an indelible ink in our nail after to prove that we were voted already.They put this to avoid flying voters.

* Been to my friends b-day celebration. Again I ate a lot :( I can't resist the delicious foods offered. With in this month, I attended to 3 of my friends b-day celebration. Oh my God I'm so heavy now, I feel I have baggage's of cholesterol now. I must go back to the gym to reduced weight.

* Last day of October , every body was so busy preparing for the "All saints and all souls day".Of course me too. I bought foods, candles and fresh flowers . We will bring those to the grave of my mother. Again its party time in the cemetery.

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