After the mass, outside the main door and around the front gate of the church, there are lots of Sampaguita vendors. And it's for some decades that Sampaguita vendors in almost all churches in the Phils, have become an ordinary sight.

I always bought Sampaguita for my Altar in my house.It gives pleasant smells inside.

And speaking of Sampaguita more - it is believed that the flower was brought from Himalayan region here in the Philippines in 17th century. And in 1934, Gov. Gen. Frank Murphy declared Sampaguita as the "National Flower Of the Philippine"through Proclamation #652.
Sampaguita is a sweet scented tropical flower. Grows with a woody vine or semi shrub. A pure white, small, dainty, star shaped blossoms that opens at night and last for about a day. The plant blooms full year.

The word Sampaguita comes from the Filipino words "Sumpa Kita" which means "I Promise You". The flower symbolized the fidelity, purity, devotion, strength, and dedication.
Filipinos string the Sampaguita flowers together as a garlands. You can hanged it in your altar, others hanged it too in rear view mirror of their car as an air freshener.
And still there are lots of uses of Sampaguita .
1. The oil extracted from the flower is used as perfumes, lotion, hair care and even deodorant.
2. Leaves and flower can be used as Herbal Medicine (antiseptics and decongestant)
to relieve many ailments such as headaches, fever,sough, diarrhea and abdominal pain.
3. The ground roots used to treat cuts and snake bites.
4. Sampaguita petals are mix to some Herbal Tea.
5. Sometimes used for hair ornamentation.
6. Specially made garlands used to welcome guest and tourist.
7. Sampaguita is regarded as auspicious and is used in religious ceremonies.

Later in 1990- Sampaguita was adopted in Indonesia as their "National Flower" too.
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