Friday, January 14, 2011

My Inspirational Alphabet

A is for Apology

B is for Breathe, Be yourself and Beautiful

C is for Clarity,Compassion, Care, be Creative

D is for Dance

E is for Energy and Enlightenment

F is for Faith,Forgive Quickly, Follow your Bliss

G is for God and Gratitude

H is for Health, Healing,and Hope

I is for Integrity and always say "I Love You" to your love ones

J is for Joyful Journey

K is for Kindness and Karma

L is for Live, Laugh, Listen, learn and Love

M is for Moving on and moving forward

N is for Never regret

O is for “everything is going to be OK”

P is for Peace, Prayer and Power

Q is for Quiet Time

R is for Respect and Relaxation

S is for Smile and Sing

T is for Treat yourself well

U is for Understanding

V is for Virtues

W is for Work and Welcome new friends

X ix for eXcellence in all things

Y is for "You are your own best friend"

Z is for Zen


Anonymous said...

Dear Leny,

Glad to see your creativity. You have given it a great deal of work. Also in "silent tears". Hope you are coping with life and that your children are in good healthy now.
We have winter and much snow but slowly the days are becoming longer. I'm longing for Spring and it will come in about four months, I guess.
Take care

LENY said...

Hi Ida,

So glad that you do appreciate my works. Thank you so much.

It's not just an art, i mean those words. You could know me by those, that's the true me. Though sometimes I don't like to do it but still it exist.

Yah, i know you're suffering for too much snow, lots of news I've seen on TV. Hope you're in safe place always.And don't get sick, Okay.

love, Leny