Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Friday, August 30, 2013

Sending Prayers Your Way

May Good Luck be your friend 
In whatever you do 
And may troubles be
Always a stranger to you

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Drinking Up

Thanks God  "Labuyo" was gone away. "Labuyo" is the 12th typhoon that struck the Phililippines this year and the weather news said 'it was the strongest typhoon so far for this year'.
Left some provinces under state of calamity. Ripped countless roofs by it's strong wind, some houses swept by landslides and floods. Farms or plantations were destroyed, lot of trees and electrical poles knocked down ( more or less it will take 2 months to restore the electricity).
It's good that the gov't officials are ready for this kind of disaster. And people knows where to run to and protect themselves.Helps from some NGO's too come faster.

I always thankful to God that we're on the safer place, but because of the weather i've got sore throat and I don't want it to worsen. I have to do something and I thought of "Salabat" would be better than taking any medicine.

"Salabat" is hot ginger tea. It's so simple to prepare.

Peel, slice and pound the ginger and add water . Boil the concoction for several minutes, then add lemon slices and some honey or sugar, depending on your tastes.

Love the smell of ginger's spicy, minty aroma, and I feel a slight of relief when the warm drink slide down my throat.

Instant ginger powder are available in groceries too, but I like the fresh boiling crushed ginger concoction more.

Health Benefit of Ginger:

  • Relieve Menstrual Cramp
  • Treat Cold and Flu
  • Treat Morning Sickness
  • Reduce Pain and Inflammation
  • Treat Heartburn
  • Treat Motion Sickness
  • Prevent Diabetic Nephropathy (Ginger can also be used to prevent kidney damage as a result of diabetes).
  • Treat Ovarian Cancer
  • Prevent Colon Cancer
  • Monday, July 15, 2013

    Sunday, April 28, 2013

    Thank you, Lord

    Sketch by my Stephannie

    In a Science class, the teacher asked her students to give an example of things which are countless.

    One student answered: Water
    Another 1 answered: Sand
    And another one: Air

    The teacher noticed that everybody  were participating except for one.
    She called his attention and asked the same question.

    The student stand up and answered: Blessings....

    Have you ever count your blessings?

    I bet you can't if you try because since your birth and every day of your life you're blessed by God with so many things. Foods, clothing, shelter, cash in ATM, & love of your family. When you woke up in the morning healthy, you're so blessed than those who suffered from uncurable illnesses and might not survive later.

    Don't take for granted the uncounted blessings of life until they are removed from you.

    Acknowledge God’s blessings simply by just saying.....
    "Thank you, Lord" 

    Count Your Blessings 
     (Barry Manilow's version)

    Cr: YT by Michael Cavacini